Creating Population Selections (Popsels) From CSV/Text Files


A .csv or .txt file can be uploaded into a Banner population selection for use in other applications.  The job submission process, GYSPOPS, in combination with Banner's Upload File utility, GUAUPLP, will process an uploaded file of Banner IDs and insert valid IDs into a designated population selection.  The data file can contain the name of the student and must be comma-delimited.  Before running the process, the user must have modify security access to both GYSPOPS and BAN_GUAUPLP_STUDENT_DIR.


Upload ID Data File

  1. Generate the ID data file.  Before uploading ensure that the file contains the student's nine-digit Banner ID followed by a comma and an optional student name.  The easiest way to generate this file is by entering the IDs and optional names into an Excel spreadsheet.  The first column must contain the Banner ID.  There is no limit on the number of records it may have.  Then save the file as a CSV (Comma delimited) file type.  Filenames can be whatever you wish.  However, filenames can not have spaces and must be less than or equal to thirty characters including the file type.
  2. Upload the ID data file.  Follow these steps to upload your file to Banner using Banner's File Upload Utility, GUAUPLP.
    1. Log into Banner and enter GYSPOPS at the menu prompt.
    2. Click on Options menu (Banner 8) or the Related menu (Banner 9) and select Upload File [GUAUPLP].
    3. A new window will appear in your browser.  If the File Upload Process page does not appear check that pop-ups are not blocked.  A message will usually appear at the top of the browser window giving you the option to allow pop-ups.  Once the page appears, select the General Student Uploads file type and click Continue.
    4. Click on Browse and select the file to be uploaded into Banner.  Once the file is selected, click on Submit File.
    5. Confirm that the file was successfully uploaded.  Click on the "close" link to close the window.  Occasionally, the upload process will not function properly.  If this occurs close this window and start the file upload process over. 

Process Uploaded IDs

Once the ID data file has been uploaded, the file may then be processed using the GYSPOPS job submission process.  The job submission form, GJAPCTL, should still be open after upload the data file.  Enter the job parameters and submit the job.

  1. After ensuring the data file has been uploaded, proceed to the next block to select a printer to report the job's audit trail.
  2. In the next block, enter the new Application Code in parameter 01 if different from the default.  Optionally, you can select from the List of Values (F9) to see a list of application codes.  Typically, the default should be sufficient for building a popsel for use with other applications.
  3. Enter the Selection ID in parameter 02 if different from the default.  Optionally, you can select a Selection ID from a List of Values as well.
  4. Enter the Creator ID in parameter 03 if different from your user name.  Leave blank to default the creator ID to your user ID.
  5. Enter the name of the file that was uploaded.  The name is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly like the name used on the upload form including the file extension.
  6. Select the Run Mode: A - Audit, U - Update.  An audit report is provided when the job runs.  Though not required, it is recommended that the process be run in Audit mode in order confirm that the data is valid.
  7. Go the next block and check the Save Parameter Set box to save your parameters if you are running in Audit mode.  This will allow quick resubmission in Update mode without the need to reenter the parameters.
  8. Press Save (F10) to execute the job.

  9. Open the Report Viewer to view the audit report of the GYSPOPS job.  A sample of the report is listed below.  Verify that the IDs are valid and that all have been added (Update mode) or are ok to add (Audit mode).  If not ok to add, these records will not be inserted into popsel.


    Added (or Ok to add)

    The ID is valid.
    ID Not In BannerNo Banner ID was found.  Check Banner for a valid ID and either add the correct ID to the popsel in GLAEXTR or correct the file and re-upload.
  10. If no audit report is generated or the job failed to upload the IDs into the population selection, return to the GYSPOPS job submission form and select Options>Review Output(GJIREVO) to review the GYSPOPS_nnnnnn.log file.  This log should have been emailed to you when the job completed as well. 

Confirm Popsel Creation

To confirm that the new popsel has been populated with the students from the upload file, go to GLIEXTR.  Enter the Application, Selection ID, Creator ID that were entered in the GYSPOPS job parameters and your user ID.  Press Next Block to see the list of IDs. 


Use GLAEXTR to add or modify your population selection once it has been uploaded.  Warning: subsequent uploads to this popsel using GYSPOPS will replace the IDs in the popsel.


Common problems:

Concurrent running of the scriptWhen attempting to run the job while another user is running the job, a message will appear:

The GYSPOPS job is currently running...  Please try again later...

Simply, return to the GYSPOPS job submission form and submit again.  The job should take no more than a few seconds to run.

 ERROR: Creator ID is not a valid user.

 The creator ID must be a valid user.  Resubmit GYSPOPS again with a valid user name.  User names will be converted to upper case.

 ERROR: Unable to create a new population selection table.

 A database error was encountered when creating population selection master record.  Contact IT for assistance.

ERROR: No records were found to insert into the popsel, The upload file did not contain any valid IDs.  Re-check the data file layout to ensure the ID starts in the first Excel column or column 1 (.txt) files.
ERROR: Unable to insert record into the population selection table.   A database error was encountered when inserting the student into the population selection table.  Contact IT for assistance.

